Introduction to Principia's Strategic Plan
Recognizing that the primary responsibility of any organization’s board of trustees is to determine and adhere to the organization’s purpose and mission, the Principia Board of Trustees offers this vision statement based on Principia’s overarching and enduring ideals, purpose, and mission. We see these foundational ideals, purpose, and mission well reflected in the following strategic plan developed by Principia’s administrative team.
We aspire to be recognized:
- among top-tier, globally minded, academic institutions for our unique approach to the education and spiritual development of the whole person
- for our kind, undogmatic though unapologetic culture, in which all who are interested in Christian Science feel valued
What we will continue to do:
- Demonstrate the Christ-idea in the field of education
- Provide programs for individuals who desire to experience and witness practical, operative Christian Science lived in association with others seeking the same
- Put whole-person character education (physical, intellectual, social, moral, and spiritual) first in all our programming
- Emphasize learning that deepens understanding, builds confidence, develops transferable skills, and turns the individual to God in every challenge
- Provide professional development and opportunity for faculty, staff, and administrators who thrive in a robust environment with advanced teaching standards, elevated by the application of Christian Science in every aspect of their work
What we must learn to do better:
- Acknowledge that there is a wide range of practice among those who value Christian Science
- Graciously uphold our community standards
- Be confident that Christian Science itself is not threatened nor made any less legitimate by another’s practice of it
- Welcome humbly, and without taking offense, our mutual responsibility to offer and receive guidance that will improve effective participation in our community
- Continuously redesign our educational offerings to sustainably meet 21st-century needs, adopting additional methods that are consistent with the Christ-idea in education
- Remain relevant to and embracing of our alumni
We continue to value the principles underlying Principia’s 23 Policies:
- The divine—inspiration infuses our work
- The individual—each is seen as equal, unlimited, responsible, accountable
- The community—all are committed to Principia’s success and to mutual respect, and all feel a sense of belonging
- Integrity, excellence, selfless service, and critical thinking
The primary Purpose of The Principia is to serve the Cause of Christian Science.
The Principia shall seek to serve the Cause of Christian Science through appropriate channels open to it as an educational institution. (Principia Policy 1)