Strategic Goal I: Live the Mission
LIVE THE MISSION: Nurture the spirit of the Principia community rooted in faith, hope, and love.
The Principia community will recognize and value one another as children of God.
Because Principia is an institution founded on Love and Principle, we desire to create additional opportunities to encounter and engage with faith in our community grounded in Christian Science. As we strive to embody the fruits of the Spirit, we will be deliberate and intentional about creating activities and a healthy environment that guides and supports those who study, work, and live at Principia.
Principia will support making Christian Science more relevant for today’s students wherever they are in their personal journeys.
1.1. Individual Spiritual Practices: Support individual spiritual practices that nurture “the spiritualization of thought and Christianization of daily life” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 272).
1.2. Community Spiritual Practices: Support community practices that strengthen and deepen authenticity, engagement, and skills that allow us to better “love our neighbor” (see Matthew 22:39).
1.3. Inclusion: Develop activities and vocabulary designed to foster stronger inclusion and awareness of exclusionary behavior and communication. Identify and correct possible barriers to communities and a stronger sense of belonging.