Nomination Suggestion

Suggestions for Nominations to the Board of Trustees

Members of the Principia community (including faculty, staff, alumni, students and friends) are encouraged to submit suggestions of individuals to be considered for election to the Board of Trustees. Pursuant to the By-Laws of Principia and guidance from a talk by Mary Kimball Morgan to the Trustees on October 7, 1937, entitled “A Heart-to-Heart Talk” (Education at The Principia, p. 148), the basic qualifications for service on the Principia Board of Trustees are:

  • Commitment to the practice of Christian Science (including class instruction and active church membership)
  • Commitment to the Purpose and Policies of Principia
  • Successful in their chosen field of endeavor

New Trustees are elected periodically by the Board of Trustees whenever vacancies occur or due to normal rotation. The Committee on Trusteeship of the Board serves as the nominating committee for Trustee elections and maintains a list of individuals who are grouped in three categories:

  • Individuals who are considered current candidates for election
  • Individuals who are on a near-term list
  • Individuals who are on a longer-term list

In order to be considered a current candidate, an individual’s qualifications must be well known and the individual must be personally known by some current Trustees.

The Committee on Trusteeship would be pleased to receive suggestions for prospective Trustees at any time and extends an invitation to everyone in the Principia community to submit suggestions. If you wish to make a suggestion, please provide as much detail as possible on each individual’s qualifications as prescribed by Mrs. Morgan and why you believe the individual should be elected to the Board of Trustees. 

Please complete as much information as possible on the following form: (*=required field)


Your Full Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Class-taught Christian Scientist
Mother Church membership
Branch church membership